The Making of Statues (2010 – 2012): A 30-minute multimedia performance with six dancers, Tara Burns, Diana Deaver, Katie Stehura, Robin Neveu Brown, Meg Weeks, and Rebecca Woods performed throughout NYC. Amidst projected stars, clouds, fire, and one enormous moon, the dancer playfully slide, hop, and reach. Wistful glances build into rebellious attempts at running and climbing and resolve in flexed and angular unison movement. Hands clenching into fists reaching for the swords at their sides, the dancers represent a unified feminine war cry. Their fate in history is sealed in stone whether constellations or statues.
- Presented by Greenspace’s Take Root Series, NYC, Mar 2012
- Self-produced at Red Bean Studio, NYC, Nov 2010
- WAXworks, NYC, Oct 2010
- Soundance Theater, NYC, May 2010
- HATCH, NYC, Apr 2010