Moonshot: solos for your home officialy launched on the Android and Apple app stores for it’s opening at Virginia Common Wealth’s Dance on Camera on September 20, 2021. VCU’s audience came together in their respective safety zones with permission to use their devices while sitting in the theater!
“Please take out your phone, turn on it on, turn the sound up, and download Moonshot! Special thanks to Kate Sicchio for curating the event and talking the audience through the app experience. She mentioned they were “excited to take a piece of the show home” and sent some documentation of the event.

They listened to the whisper from other phone’s soundscapes and placed the dancing body on the stage or in the air. There is something so interesting to imagine everyone in the theater starring at their phones and placing an augmented reality body on the stage. Who ends up performing in this case? The audience? The recorded body? Yes, and…