
Jo & Doozy: Human Motion Sequence

Concept: To build a choreographic story in Motionbuilder’s story mode from a seed of an idea I began when an elf character, Jolleen, created a glowing ball in her hands. Methodology: I downloaded the models (Jolleen and Doozy) from Mixamo, 0’ed out portions of the skeletons, characterized, and assigned control…

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Pome Fruit of an Unusually Cultivated Tree

Concept: Create a solo taking into consideration costume, sound, and light for Graduate Composition with Daniel Roberts. Two prompts were given: 1) to consider the perspective of the video or videographer when designing pathways and 2) use small and large objects to place within the performance space while using the…

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Tilt World: Deep in the Mirror

Concept: To investigate the  visual and physical effects of using the “mirror” setting in Tilt Brush. Methodology:I investigated standing with my body on the intersection of the mirror. As I moved my right arm with the paint controller and did the same thing with my other hand, it appears that…

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Tilt World: Outside Eye and Co-Creation

Concept: To investigate an outside perspective on rehearsals and work with dancers Jackquie Sochacki and Michelle Sipes. Methodology: In the first rehearsal, Jacquie wore the unconnected headset as if blindfolded to feel the weight of it and allow Michelle to guide her more deeply. The second rehearsal, Jacquie, never having…

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Luna the Crazy Loon: Complex Props

Concept: This assignment for Motion Capture Production and Experimentation taught by Vita Berezina-Blackburn required us to create a character or sequence of events that was based from a prop we captured in ACCAD’s motion capture lab then edited in Motionbuilder using constraints. Methodology: Our group decided to capture a ball…

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Tilt World: Sound, Color, & Feedback

  Concept: The premise for this rehearsal was primarily to choreograph a sequence that specifically addressed the use of sound in Google’s Tilt Brush to be shown during Daniel Robert’s Graduate Composition class (above). Tilt World rehearsals (Jan 2020 – May 2020) are geared toward building an improvisational score, group…

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Tilt World: Solo Rehearsal

Concept: To set up and record a improvisations, tests, and pictures of my 1st solo set up in ACCAD’s Motion Lab for future rehearsals of Tilt World in this space. Methodology: First, I created a detailed improvisation study incorporating repetition and color change in order to show an archive of…

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